
Child Therapist at Reimann Counseling Clinic

With mental health becoming less of a stigma, more families are becoming more comfortable reaching out for help and support for their children. Many parents and families seek support for their child for a variety of reasons, including: having trouble with school, adjusting to change (new baby in the family, moving, divorce, new marriage, new grade), sibling rivalry, grief/loss, ADHD to name a few. We responded to this need in Maple Grove by adding an exceptional Child Therapist to our team. We are proud to welcome Amy Gold, MA, LMFT to Reimann Counseling Clinic. Amy has extensive experience in working with children as young as 3 years old. Not only is she experienced, but she is also passionate about what she does-which makes such a difference in the work we…
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Understanding Domestic Abuse

Understanding Domestic Abuse There are hundreds of ways in which a person may experience domestic abuse. They can be understood as, what I call, the C.A.P.E.R. Dynamics. Sadly, the vast majority of domestic abuse is men abusing women or children. Therefore, I will use the pronoun “he” for the abuser and “she” for the victim. Of course, domestic abuse occurs in gay couples as well. CONTROL-When one person attempts to manage the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors of another. ANGER-The abusive person has limited emotional expression. He can appear happy but all other emotion comes out as anger. He does not take responsibility for his emotions but blames others for how he feels. POWER-External strength given to the abuser through society. It can be through his physical stature, status in…
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Jenny Reimann on Channel 12 News

With the recent events in Boston, many are left with a lot of questions, fear, and concern. Jenny Reimann, owner of Reimann Counseling Clinic, was asked by Channel 12 News to discuss how we should talk with our children about the tragedy. Visit the attached link to watch the interview. We are about 5 minutes in.
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Digging for Potatoes with a Manicure

About two weeks ago I found myself excitedly headed to the garden with my two young children. We had a small garden this year, with just tomatoes, beans, cucumbers and potatoes and since the squirrels were finding many of our new vegetables, we decided it was time to harvest the potatoes. As I was pulling out the bounty of our hard work this summer, one potato at a time, I realized that my very beautiful manicured nails were covered in very black, very sticky dirt. It was really too late at that point, so I continued to gather the food with the kids, laughing the entire time at how many potatoes we produced! Later that night I was thinking about the irony of it all- here I am trying to…
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I Don’t Like Change!

Actually, I sort of do, but I know that I am strange that way.  Most of  us don’t.  We get used to how things are, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride.  When that shifts, whether that be a personal or workplace change, we often don’t know how to handle it well.  Since the only constant in world is change, it might be in our best interest to be prepared to respond, in a way we would be proud. -   Admit that change is happening or about to happen.  Denying it prolongs the inevitable. -  Expect that it will cause stress. We can often manage stress better when we know that we are stressed. -  Share your fears, concerns, worries.  Find a trustworthy source and talk.  Often when we talk about…
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