Giving Gifts

December is gift month. It doesn’t matter if a person is religious, spiritual, or agnostic, this is the month of holidays and with it comes expectations, plans, preparations, with a significant amount of material goods swapped between family and friends. There are some who even give gifts to people unknown, just for the joy of it, the generosity of it. A greater question, however, bears asking: what kind of gift do you feel you are to yourself and others? Do you feel as if you bring good cheer and lightness into the room when you walk in? Is there an excitement inside when you feel you are joining a circle of people? Or does it seem as if there is an invisible barrier that keeps you out in most circles,…
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November was the month when we paid, at the very least, lip service to being thankful. We even had a day on the calendar marked specifically for a whole day of being thankful. It’s an important part of being human. We become more self aware and, frankly, happier, when we think and feel thankfulness. So what does it mean when someone doesn’t feel thankful, can’t think of anything or anyone for whom to give thanks. Generosity is one of the human needs, which I wrote about in last month’s Blog. And in so many ways, generosity of one’s time, money, material effects, and even sense of humor has to do with being aware of thanks. But again, what does it mean if one cannot seem to muster those thoughts and feelings? Dysthymia…
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Our Five Needs for Healthy Living

All human beings have wants and needs and it can be difficult at times to understand the difference. Recognizing our five basic needs is a good start in helping manage our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Everyone has a need to be safe: safe emotionally, verbally, physically, sexually, spiritually, financially.  Safety is the most basic need from which springs the grounding to provide for our other needs. A second need is belonging.  As humans, we desire being a part of a family, group, or community that provides us with a vital sense of connection to other human beings. Paradoxically, humans also have a need for independence.  This becomes observable with babies, whose bodies are directing them to roll over at 4 months, crawl or walk around a year, and begin…
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Understanding Domestic Abuse

Understanding Domestic Abuse There are hundreds of ways in which a person may experience domestic abuse. They can be understood as, what I call, the C.A.P.E.R. Dynamics. Sadly, the vast majority of domestic abuse is men abusing women or children. Therefore, I will use the pronoun “he” for the abuser and “she” for the victim. Of course, domestic abuse occurs in gay couples as well. CONTROL-When one person attempts to manage the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors of another. ANGER-The abusive person has limited emotional expression. He can appear happy but all other emotion comes out as anger. He does not take responsibility for his emotions but blames others for how he feels. POWER-External strength given to the abuser through society. It can be through his physical stature, status in…
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